KYRI SICAV – KYRI Oppor­tun­ities Fund

An Article 9 Dark Green Fund

Current Fund Size: approx. EUR 307 Million
Performance 2024: +13.37%

The KYRI Fund Objectives

  • Investing in any technology or company that can increase the speed of the energy trans­ition from fossil fuels to green­house gas neutral non-polluting fuels. This can include any techno­logies or companies that can econom­ically and efficiently produce green­house gas free electricity, heat for industry and/​or desal­inated water. In a first stage the AIF might invest in companies concen­trating in the hydrogen business. This can comprise research and devel­opment, production sites, storage facil­ities as well as the trans­port­ation.
  • Investing in real estate properties where the value of the land can be increased by the systematic devel­opment of the land, and where the value of the land can also be increased by the deployment of green­house gas neutral energy production and water desal­in­ation techno­logies.
  • Investing in carbon credits or offsets of any kind which can be purchased and then resold at a higher price at a later date, since the demand for carbon credits or offsets is expected to be very large for the next 10 to 35 years.
  • Investing in techno­logies or companies that increase the efficiency and reduce the cost of producing, trans­porting and storing hydrogen.
  • Investing in the set-up, running, stocking and functioning of hydrogen storage ‘banks’ around the world.
  • Investing in any technology or company that can help achieve any or all of the UN Sustainable Devel­opment Goals or any combin­ation of the above.

The AIF is partic­u­larly inter­ested in companies which offer promising solutions in the energy sector, be it with regard to the technology, the business model or the organ­iz­a­tional and managerial imple­ment­ation.

The target invest­ments shall offer the potential for above average growth rates and marketable solutions respective opera­tions within 3-5 years. The AIF targets companies which are a slightly beyond the very first initial stage of being a start-up and do already show some unique charac­ter­istics compared to their peers.

KYRI SICAV KYRI Oppor­tun­ities I Fund EUR-D

  • Bloomberg KYROIED LE
  • Valor 129143804
  • ISIN LI1291438045

KYRI SICAV KYRI Oppor­tun­ities I Fund EUR-T Token

  • Bloomberg KYROIET LE

  • Valor 129143805
  • ISIN LI1291438052

About the Specialist Consultant:

Aegis Dynamics AG “Aegis” is a Swiss-based company which strives to rejuvenate the planet and empower zero-emission energy solutions for the future. Aegis serves as the gatekeeper and business devel­opment entity of the overall KYRI Fund and Token Ecosystem Universe.

Aegis acts as a specialist consultant for the identi­fic­ation and assessment of potential investment targets in accordance with the investment principles of the AIF, advising exclus­ively in relation to non-financial instru­ments.

Aegis manages the contacts to the most important stake­holders in the KYRI Fund and Token Ecosystem Universe, as well as other relevant insti­tu­tions and is active in the commercialisation of the overall KYRI ecosystem.